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When entering requests through the online portal or email, please be certain to include your full name, your child’s name and grade, and a good phone number to call you back. This information will allow the Service Desk to provide the best possible service in the most efficient manner. 




Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

  • COPPA applies to commercial companies and limits their ability to collect personal information from children under 13.
  • By default, advertising is turned off for the District’s presence in Google Apps for Education. No personal student information is collected for commercial purposes.
  • This permission form allows the school to act as an agent for parents in the collection of information within the school context. The school's use of student information is solely for education purposes.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

  • FERPA protects the privacy of student education records and gives parents the rights to review student records.
  • FERPA, schools may disclose directory information (See Board Policy) but parents may request the school not disclose this information. Parents are provided the opportunity

Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

  • Requires the school to have filters in place to protect students from harmful materials including the obscene.